Da il Manifesto del 20 novembre 2014: Spazi ibridi per un’Europa non pacificata. Blockupy Festival si avvicina alla nuova “fortezza” della BCE di Beppe Caccia


At the Blockupy Festival – „#talk #dance #act – Come down from the balcony!” – we will talk with our comrades and friends from European Networks. We will talk about common issues, places and steps of our protests. By doing this we carry on the meetings of the summer and in Brussels.


#talk – We need to talk about what has to be done. We will have multi-session working groups to debate crucial strategic questions in a somewhat continuous and committed manner. Several Asambleas/General assemblies will serve as a central space for our exchanges and mutual decision-makings. Two large, public panel discussions on issues of emancipatory politics and the development of the crisis, will take place. Furthermore a wide range of workshops about actual topics will be offered.

#dance – Blockupy is inviting you all to concert and party.

#act – Exceed limits: We will take to the street: loudly, imaginative and visible. We will pay a visit to the new ECB building.

See you in Frankfurt! – Here you can find info about journey and accommodation.



The Festival highlights

Nov. 20th to Nov. 23rd 2014

Thursday, Nov. 20th | 20:00 CET | Gewerkschaftshaus (trade union house, Wilhelm-Leuschner Str. 69-77, close to the central station in Frankfurt):

“Start Offs and Counter-Power” – Lecture by Costas Douzinas (Philosopher and Professor of Law at Birkbeck-University of London), followed by panel discussion

Friday, Nov. 21st | 20:00 CET | House of Youth (Deutschherrnufer 12, 60594 Frankfurt; http://www.jugendherberge-frankfurt.de/en/how-to-find-us/):

“Seven Years of Crisis in Europe” – Controversial Explanations and Perspectives with Ulrike Herrmann (Writer and Journalist of the taz) and Jannis Milios (MP for SYRIZA and Professor of Political Economy at the Technical University of Athens)

[before the panel discussion, at 17:00 CET, we will have at the same place an assembly for all of us]

Friday, Nov. 21st | 10:00 CET | to Sunday, Nov. 23rd (16:00 CET) – at House of Youth and University of Frankfurt, Campus Bockenheim:

Multi-session working groups, thematic and activist workshops, Asambleas and city tour; before and during the Festival at various places in the city: cultural events, exhibitions, readings, film screenings and more

Saturday, Nov. 22nd | 14:00 CET | at Paulsplatz, inner city of Frankfurt
Demo/Inspection/Walk: Moving to the new ECB – We will lend our hands!

While our colleagues, friends and comrades in Southern Europe continue to rebel against the depletion and impoverishment policies of the Troika, the ECB moves into its new palace. Blockupy moves on to the road. We will make our own move to the new building and give back to the EBC the garbage – in and with many moving boxes – that should have been thrown into the dustbin of history: racist and sexist division, impoverishment, privatization of public funds and goods and wars to secure resources.

We will lend our hands and carry our criticism right in front of the door of the ECB, go to the entrance gates and the fence they are entrenching behind. We will be there, along with activists from organizations and networks from all over Europe. We are thinking and acting in creative forms of civil disobedience – across all those fences limiting us. No smooth move and no smooth crisis politics with us!

Saturday, Nov. 22nd | 20:00 CET | at Klapperfeld (Faites votre jeu! Klapperfeldstraße 5; 60313 Frankfurt;http://faitesvotrejeu.blogsport.de/kontakt/:

Concert and Party
with the HipHopCollective TickTickBoom et.al.

For a more detailed program with titles, locations, with material, contact for all you need to know see very soon http://blockupy.org/enhttp://blockupy.org or http://blockupy.org/festival2014/

For questions and comments write to: programm@blockupy.org orinternational@blockupy-frankfurt.org



BLOCKUPY FESTIVAL // 20th to 23rd of NOV 2014 // FRANKFURT


We are not waiting for the appointments of the rulers – we are setting our own agenda. Even if the ECB’s inauguration will take place only next year, Blockupy will be back to Frankfurt in only some days.

Blockupy – We will not get used to it! Austerity still kills, and the ruling classes are tightening their austerity programs – even if some of them seem to be softer – it’s just packaging. In reality, the goal is to transform austerity politics into normal political measures

Democracy emerges from our multiple struggles. Together with others Blockupy tries to build a European wide platform of resistance – against the paralysis and the impositions of austerity and exploitation  for a transnational solidarity. For Blockupy, Europe is not a question of passport or origin, Europe is just the space and the region in which and through which we are organizing our defense and resistance.

We talk among others with:

Costas Douzinas, Andrea Ypsilanti, Sandro Mezzadra, Ulrike Herrmann, Jannis Milios, Joachim Hirsch, Eva-Maria Krampe, Werner Rätz, Sabine Leidig, Nicole Gohlke, Alex Demirovic, Thomas Eberhard-Köster, Tobias Pflüger, John Kannankulam, Jens Wissel, Nikolai Huke, Frederico Pinheiro, Neva Löw, Martin Konecny, Bini Adamczak, Elke Stefen, Nina Eumann, Katharina Schwabedissen uvm.


Aktivist*innen von Solidarity4all (Griechenland), Alpha Kappa (Griechenland), Dinamo Press (Italien), All at alla (Schweden), Kotti & Co. (Berlin), Global Project (Italien), Transnational Institute (Amsterdam), PODEMOS (Spanien), 15-M (Spanien), Precarious (Dis-)Connections (Italien), Corporate Europe Observatory (Brüssel), INR (Prag), Antiautoritäre Bewegung/Beyond Europe (Griechenland), AlterSummit, Democratic Socialists (Slowenien), SEL/Lista Tsipras (Italien), Attitude NoExpo Network (Italien), syspirosi akaton (Zypern), Fundación de los Comunes (Spanien), Dachverband der Studierenden aus Kurdistan in Europa (YXK), UmsGanze, Attac, Interventionistische Linke, Die LINKE uvm.



MOBI-VIDEOS (German but still nice to see)




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